As an employer, the pressure of filling a role quickly builds as you filter through countless resumes and it seems impossible to find a qualified applicant. The hiring process varies by industry and workplace, and thus, it is important that this task is in the hands of an expert who knows exactly what to look for in your next employee. Certified Staffing is a simple solution to the hiring process, in which Subject Matter Expert’s (SMEs) are able to help you heavily filter out applicants and provide you with a handful of highly qualified workers.
In other words, Certified Staffing is an essential tool that all employers should consider when looking to fill new positions within their organization. By utilizing Certified Staffing Services, you can be rest assured that your hiring is in the hands of an industry-trained expert.
According to Forbes, the cost of a bad hire is estimated at roughly 30% of the annual salary for that position. By ensuring that hiring is done right the first time, you save your company the time and the resources required to find the ideal candidate. This article will discuss several reasons why choosing Certified Staffing Services will help your organization in the long run.
It is a cost-effective process:
Though it may not seem like it at first, the hiring process can quickly become very expensive. As background checks and police checks are becoming a norm in many workplaces, the cost of time and resources may accumulate unnoticed. At Digitalembrace, not only do we perform background and police checks for you, but our Subject Matter Experts are also trained to perform technical tests on each candidate to verify their qualifications.
It is a trustworthy approach:
As mentioned on Forbes, some employers find that reference checking is an outdated method to hiring a new employee. For this reason, it is often left out during the process. However, checking an employee’s references helps identify workplace behaviours and ensures that they will fit well with your team’s dynamic. Oftentimes, candidates will mention their prior workplace performance during an interview, however, it is crucial to verify this with past employers to gain a better perspective. Digitalembrace firmly stands behind the process of reference checking, as this serves as one of the backbones to our filtration process when screening your potential new hires.
You save time:
As there are often frequent changes to job requirements, screening hundreds of new applications can become a strenuous task. More often than not, hiring occurs from internal team managers, who already have several tasks on their plate. Thus, sorting through several applications a day can become gruesome. By utilizing a Certified Staffing professional, you are guaranteed that your hiring is in expert hands, allowing you to focus on your deliverables and team objectives.
You get results quick:
On average, hiring takes just around 20 days for most employers in Canada, according to a study by Glassdoor. The most common delay in the process stems from having to review too many applications for the very first time. Though several applications may seem beneficial by offering employers with a variety of choices, it is extremely time-consuming to verify that the information provided by each applicant is correct and true. Certified Staffers recognize this flaw and utilize a network of pre-qualified workers with vast specialities. Using these pre-qualified individuals, Digitalembrace’s Staffing Team is able to quickly help you fill a position with experienced workers, who have already been screened.
You maintain the image of being a good employer:
From an applicant’s perspective, it may feel as if the decision-making process is taking far too long after an interview. Though many factors may play a part in the delay of an employer’s response, the reality of this is that it is often unintentional. As an employer, several factors could cause delays in the hiring process, including budget changes, or projects which require immediate attention. Through Certified Staffing, you expedite the process and maintain your image as an organization, by showing quick responses to potential applicants.
You limit the risk of losing a qualified candidate:
When a role is finally filled, you may be satisfied with the new employee, and this is an ideal scenario. However, sometimes employers don’t hire the right employee. What qualifies an employee as being right? Well, this has much to do with how well they will fit into your company, and how qualified they really are. If the hiring process is rushed, a candidate might seem like a great option at first, but they may lack essential experience for your position. Oftentimes, this occurs due to a lack of background checks or tests performed on the individual. Without this crucial information, several contenders may seem right for the job on the surface. At Digitalembrace, we pride ourselves in ensuring that we look past what is directly in front of us, and search deep into an applicant’s experience.
As a result of not hiring the right individual, you run the risk of losing all other potential applicants. If a position is filled with the wrong employee, and a truly qualified applicant has already been rejected, it is likely that they would have already found a position elsewhere, or they would be hesitant to return to your company.
In conclusion, the hiring process can be quite tricky. With the right guidance, and help of a Digitalembrace Certified Staffer, you can find the ideal candidate to join your team. We pride ourselves in our ability to help you find qualified workers, fast. Our approach follows six (6) core values, which serve as the backbone for our staffing solutions. For over 20 years, we have been recognized for our:
· Candidate Certification
· Accountable Referrals
· Exact Matches
· Solutions-Oriented Approach
· Team-Based Approach
· Registered and Insured Process
Contact our team of experts to learn more about how you can get started on filling a position in your organization, with no obligation, and no risk.